
Dampak MSG Bagi Kesehatan


Apakah MSG berbahaya untuk dikonsumsi?
Jawabannya tentu akan berbeda-beda tergantung kepada siapa anda bertanya. Jika ditanyakan kepada Persatuan Pabrik MSG dan Glutamic Acid Indonesia, tentu jawabannya tidak, disertai argumentasi yang membantah penelitian sebaliknya. So, it is controversial.
Penelitian pengaruh MSG terhadap kesehatan dilakukan terhadap tikus, hasilnya merusak beberapa syaraf (retina mata dan otak) dan dapat menyebabkan obesitas bahkan saat kita mengurangi asupan kalori.



For you. That specially, not beloved. I just loved my mother. Not the dearest. Because I just love my father.

Twelve. Not a number that is too common to mention. U know what? I liked number 2. From the first, not because 2 of 12.

Twelve. More than three. That means more than enough. Very much.

Six and six. Figures of twins. I'm going to shake the dice again in twin figures. And it was fun, made a lot more progress.
More funny of shuffling two dice with the six spots on each
More fun than developed first on paper monopoly

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